Collection: Gye Nyame Dope Collection

In this design we are incorporating a historic Adinkra symbol into a modern style and affirmation. By doing so, we hope to bridge the gap between us and the cradle of civilization. Adinkra symbols acted as a shorthand for aphorisms or concepts. In the case of the Gye Nymae symbol, it represents the supremacy of God. A loose translation can be read as "except God", as in "fear no one except God." A more literal translation would read "This great panorama of creation dates back to time immemorial; no one lives who saw its beginning and no one will live to see its end, except God."

We all know that God is dope. You can channel that dopeness and be a light to those around you. A literal interpretation of this design would be "You know I'm dope, because God is dope and creation is always a reflection of the Creator.